
pillow fite

Il Neige: Progeny of Happening / Performance Art
Having always enjoyed impromptu gatherings in a public place, particularly in a large city, and particularly in San Francisco, this one ranked among the most amazing and pleasant of urban happenings.

Yes, it snowed feathers! Lovely white down was everywhere. And on Valentine’s Day as well, which is one of my favorite holidays.

Every so often a beautiful and spontaneous event, as happened yesterday, comes along to remind us that despite the difficult troubles that are sometimes so unkindly and unceremoniously delivered to our doorstep, so too the unexpected conveyances of the universe may also contain surprises of a more delightful sort. Another demonstration of the essential necessity to greet and embrace whatever life has in store for each of us, directly and with an open heart.

Yesterday was one of those times when I am gently prodded and reminded that it is indeed good to be alive.

pillow fite
photos by Lacy Atkins


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