
Rescinding Slumber
A trip in late April to the state of Arizona has reawakened my love of the desert southwest and its' warm, friendly albeit slower lifestyle. Bright colors abound as the cacti and other flora show off their lovely blossoms and begin the annual cycle of rejuvenation.

Walks into the inviting depths of Sabino Canyon, the falls of Bear Canyon, the awesome heights of Kitt Peak (and its' incredible compound of telescopic observatories, particularly the solar telescope with its' fascinating study of color waves) and other beautiful spots once located on the outer edges of the city of Tucson remind me glaringly of how huge and mature this center of civilization has become. Nearing one million, the population of Tucson is diverse, global and richly reflected in the restaurants and the cultural events which abound in all directions as the town sprawls and expands more rapidly than official maps can confirm.

The art world has happily grown up and the current MFA thesis show speaks to a level of sophistication once shunned within the world of the School of Art at the University of Arizona.

Arts abound in all of the venues and I am pleasantly surprised at the progress. U of A has an exciting airstream exhibition of digital works, demonstrating the new wave of online possibilities for 21st century art makers. I find that many AZ artists are practicing in a professional, yet continually creative manner and I feel suddenly at home in a place where I have not visited/lived for more than 20 (could it be even more?) years. Electrifyed zona: subtle recollections of a sense of happiness once again; warms my fatigued, winterized and previously chilled bones.

Lap swimming in the sunny afternoons under pure blue skies and towering palm trees; a daily dip in the soothing waters of the Spanish tiled spa, long walks in sunny canyon trails. All render each day thoroughly satisfying and inspiring.

Temperatures are pleasantly high -- generally in the high 90s -- but happily without the sludge of humidity that one associates with overly hot conditions: who needs those lump producing doses of underarm deodorant in these arid environs? Gallons of sunscreen and cocoa butter have become a slathering requirement for my slowly bronzing skin.

Color me rested; revived and refreshed.
Do I hear the future calling?


visit Griffonage Studios and explore the possibilities

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