
La Piscine: Some Things I Want to Remember...

my dog Trixie Grace races back and forth happily as I "faire des longueurs de piscine"

Functionality and Visualization
So I was going through a bit of French this morning, as I try to do three or four times a week, when I came upon some useful words and phrases which I intend to attempt to incorporate into my vocabulary. I say this as if I was a fluent speaker of the language, when of course my spoken French is fairly horrendous. The kind and lovely folks in France always insist on speaking in English shortly after they observe my clumsy, excessive and strenuous efforts to please them.
In the end, if points are awarded for intention, it is honest the venture, I think, that counts. All the same, hope springs as it always does that one day I will be able to ramble on and be understood in this beautiful tongue.

voila! another useful (?) addition to the handy mental notebook / sketchpad.

Contact Wordsmith at Griffonage Studios for all your texting needs.


Anonymous said...

Makes me want to go swimming.

Anonymous said...

I love to read your blog and this gives me an idea about how you live. I love to swim but am not a competitive athlete. I just like the feeling of being in the water, I guess. I think it is because I am an Aquarian.

Anonymous said...

Your dog is really cute. So is your piscine....... Wow! Watering holes in the desert - what a concept.